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Bridgwater Active Travel Day, Saturday May 20th

The Bridgwater Active Travel Day returns to the Town Hall on Saturday May 20th.

The family-friendly event will feature a whole host of groups who will be there to help inform the public about the benefits of all things active travel.

The day will include an introduction by the Town Mayor; local walking and cycling information; local public transport and bike maintanance and security marking.

It's free to attend, and all the family are welcome.

The day starts at 10am and finishes at 3pm.

Posted on 12th April 2023

by Aaron Phillips

Beat the Streets comes to Shepton Mallet and Wells

An innovative physical activity game that has engaged more than a million people is set to launch in Shepton Mallet and Wells.

The Beat the Street game will take place in Shepton Mallet and Wells from 26th April to 24th May 2023 thanks to a National Lottery grant from Sport England.

Beat the Street encourages people to get outside and to get active and is open to anyone of any age who would like to take part. The game works by turning the town into a real-life game and residents will soon start to see special sensors called Beat Boxes appearing on lampposts around the area.

Prior to the game, primary school pupils from participating schools will be provided with cards while parents and teachers will also receive a card from the school so they can accompany children. The wider community can pick up a free contactless card from a distribution point listed on the website

Players join a school or community team to join or you can set up your own with a minimum of 6 players. Players then walk, cycle or wheel between the 38 Beat Boxes which are spaced half a mile apart - hovering the cards as they go. The further players travel, the more points they score.

Beat the Street was created by GP Dr William Bird MBE, an expert in physical activity and the founder of Intelligent Health. Beat the Street has not only had a significant impact on increasing low levels of physical activity amongst adults and children, but also helps reduce congestion, improves air quality, and helps families spend time in green spaces together. It has been adapted to ensure that it’s safe to play during the COVID-19 pandemic with contactless cards.

Jake Hannis, Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership Deputy CEO said: “We are incredibly excited to be bringing Beat the Street to Shepton Mallet & Wells. We know that one of the best things people can do right now for their physical and mental health is to move more and to get out into green space where possible, and Beat the Street really helps people do just that in a safe way.

“It’s free to take part in Beat the Street and it’s open to everyone regardless of age, ability or background. It’s an inclusive game that encourages you to exercise from your front door and to clock up the miles within the game framework.”

According to research, one in four people in England does less than 30 minutes of physical activity a week, which classes them as inactive. Four out of five primary school children do not get the recommended amount of daily exercise of 60 minutes a day.

The National Lottery funding from Sport England will not only help people in Shepton Mallet and Wells to get active, but also to leave a positive legacy to improve the community’s health and wellbeing.

For more information on updates on the game, please click onto or follow @BeatTheStreetSheptonWells on Facebook.

Posted on 31st March 2023

by Aaron Phillips

Young people urged to have their say on Somerset’s transport future

Somerset County Council has launched a survey to capture the views of young people across the county on the future of transport.

The survey was complied with the help of the Somerset Youth Parliament and their deputies who belong to the UK-wide group representing the voices of young people.

The survey gives young people in the county the chance to have a say on how they want transport to work in the future. Their views will help inform policy, shape sustainable transport solutions and in turn help to combat climate change and improve health.

Jasmine, one of Somerset’s Members of the Youth Parliament said: “Public transport is a particular issue for young people in Somerset as we have so many rural communities.”

Joel, another Member, said: “We’d encourage all young people to have your say about any issues that affect young people in Somerset. The Somerset Youth Parliament is a great foundation to do this.”

Somerset County Council’s Lead Member for Young People, Children and Families, Cllr Tessa Munt said: “Young people have got a lot to say on this issue – not least because it’s their future we’re talking about! We really value our Youth Parliament members. They do fantastic work to give young people a platform and allow their voices to be heard on the things which matter to them.”

Cllr Mike Rigby, Somerset County Council’s Lead Member for Transport and Digital added: “We need to be listening to young people when it comes to planning what transport will look like in the future, so it’s vital that we capture their views. I’d urge young people across the county to take part in the survey and have a good look at our Commonplace website – it’s helping us to shape our transport networks to ensure their priorities are included.”

You can take part in the survey and comment on Somerset’s Local Cycling and Walking Plans here:

Posted on 23rd March 2023

by Aaron Phillips

Have your say on rural transport in Somerset

Here in Somerset, we’re in the early stages of writing a new Local Transport Plan.

We recognise the importance of improving rural mobility and rural connections within Somerset, and this will be a vital consideration when drafting the plan.

Have your say by responding to all or some of the questions in the survey by clicking here:

Posted on 22nd March 2023

by Aaron Phillips

Social Bike Ride in Mid-Somerset

The Bridgwater Area Cycling Campaign have their next social bike ride on Saturday Febuary 18th.

The ride will start from Sweets Tea Rooms (near Westhay) at, taking a 30-mile tour - at a relaxed pace -and returning to their starting point.

The ride is organised in conjunction with Sustrans Mid-Somerset Group. The route will go across the Levels to Wells then out to North Wotton for a pit stop and on to Glastonbury following NCN3, passing the Tor and out along the Willow Walk. They will then return to Sweets for refuelling!

This route offers interest and variety and isn't too hilly. Please bring snacks and a drink and also basic tools / spare tube etc.

If you would like to join the ride, please contact BACC here:

Posted on 8th February 2023

by Aaron Phillips

‘Bus It’ for £2 on single bus journeys across Somerset

Great news for everyone travelling by bus in Somerset; a new £2 single fare is now available from all participating operators until 31 March.

The major fare cut is part of an initiative funded by the Government aimed at boosting bus use and will apply to the majority of routes in Somerset.

SCC and the Somerset Bus Partnership have launched the ‘Bus It’ campaign to encourage more people to use bus services at a time when many routes are under threat due to lack of use. It’s hoped the new £2 fare will provide a major boost to patronage and support these aims.

The six operators involved are:


Faresaver Buses

First South West (Buses of Somerset)

First West of England

Hatch Green Coaches

South West Coaches

Cllr Mike Rigby, SSCC’s Lead Member for Transport and Digital said:

“This new £2 fare is vital to ensure we get more people on buses which will help preserve bus routes in Somerset.

“This is potentially a real gamechanger in terms of getting people to leave the car at home – a £2 single journey for most routes in Somerset is fantastic value for money when you factor in the cost of fuel and the cost of living crisis.

“By catching the bus, you can make a difference to the climate, to our environment and save money and wear and tear on your car – it really does make sense to ‘Bus It’.”

Posted on 6th January 2023

by Aaron Phillips

Cycle Somerset donates £500 towards walking and cycling route

Cycle Somerset, a club with over 100 members, voted at their AGM to make a donation of £500 towards the costs of implementing the proposed Curry Rivel to Langport walking and cycle route which is part of the local active travel plan. The route is supported by local schools, councils, landowners and businesses.

Feasibility studies have identified several possibilities within Curry Rivel itself and between Curry Rivel and Langport and Huish Episcopi, including key destinations such as The Academy and Leisure centre. Permissions are now required to implement the preferred options.

The cheque was presented to Cllr Marcus Hembrow by Graham Farrington chair of Cycle Somerset. Bridge Cycle Club, based in Langport, also came to offer their support for the proposed walking and cycling route.

Posted on 13th December 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Christmas social bike ride

Saturday December 17th will see the last organised ride of 2022 by the Bridgwater Area Cycling Campaign (BACC).

This one will again be for the more competent rider, so if you’re a little nervous, stay tuned for news of their confidence-boosters coming next year…

This will be a circular route around the Quantock hills, 25 miles in all.

Places are limited, so for more details and to register your place, clink the link -

Posted on 12th December 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Take the Get Outside in Somerset Step Challenge!

Get Outside in Somerset invites you to power through Autumn and into Winter with their latest step challenge!

Challenge yourself to achieve at least 5k steps per day, or if that seems like a bit too much, increase your current average by 3k, or go outside for at least 30 minutes every day.

As the seasons start to change, it can be a great opportunity to watch and experience the change in the landscape, enjoy the sunrise and sunset, and discover new areas in Somerset!

You can create an account and track your progress here:

You can take part in the Get Outside in Somerset challenges with your work colleagues, community groups, friends and family or simply challenge yourself.

Posted on 17th November 2022

by Aaron Phillips

'Cossington and Back' social bike ride - November 26th

After the success of previous rides, The Bridgwater Area Cycling Campaign (BACC) are arranging another social ride on Novemeber 26th.

This one will be for the more competent rider, so if you’re a little nervous, stay tuned for news of their confidence-boosters coming next year…

This ride will take in some wonderful scenery around the Polden hills over a 28-mile stretch. This will be done at reasonably leisurely pace.

To book your slot on the ride, email BACC at: bridgwaterareacyclingcampaign@gmailcom and they'll provide you with a route map – then simply dress for the weather and get yourself to Cossington Playing Fields at 10.00 am on Saturday 26th November.

Posted on 11th November 2022

by Aaron Phillips

First Somerset school awarded Modeshift STARS

Kingfisher Primary School in Yeovil has become the first Somerset school to receive the nationally recognised bronze Modeshift STARS accreditation for providing safe and sustainable travel environments.

Modeshift STARS celebrates schools which successfully work with businesses and local communities to adopt travel plans which promote sustainable and safe journeys.

Somerset County Council’s lead member for Transport and Digital, Councillor Mike Rigby, said: “Around one in four cars on the road each morning is on the school run and are responsible for half a million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually in the UK. Schemes like Modeshift STARS are crucial initiatives to help reduce these statistics and improve the air quality around school. I’d like to congratulate Kingfisher Primary School for its achievement and hope that more schools will be encouraged to take part in the initiative as we aim to get more pupils to travel by foot or bike, or at least walk the last 10 minutes to school.”

Posted on 1st November 2022

by Aaron Phillips

New England Coast Path newsletter – out now!

The third issue of The Coaster, the newsletter of the England Coast Path in Somerset, is out now.

There are lots of great articles to choose from, including:

- Somerset’s coast gains full National Trail status

- Work underway to re-open the Trail between Watchet and Blue Anchor

- England Coast Path Story walks

- How to get your business on the Trail

- Trail events!

Read this issue online by clicking here:

Posted on 3rd October 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Work starts on vital A39 active travel corridor in West Somerset

Somerset County Council’s Highways Team is improving and widening an existing cycleway and footway running along the A39 between Carhampton and Minehead to ensure residents can travel safely by bike or foot.

The £1 million scheme, collaboratively funded through internal partners including Somerset County Council Highways , Public Health and Transport Policy, includes connecting to new cycling and walking infrastructure linking the Marsh Lane development at Dunster Marsh with the A39 pathway, which will link in turn with West Somerset College, creating a safe route to school.

Work continues into early 2023 and temporary 40-mph limit and traffic lights are now in place on the A39 for the duration of the project to ensure the safety of the workforce and public. The lights will be operated manually during peak hours to minimise disruption. Access will be maintained for cyclists and pedestrians while work is ongoing.

Somerset County Council’s Lead Member for Transport and Digital Cllr Mike Rigby said: “It’s really pleasing to see this important scheme commence to provide a much-needed active travel corridor between these two towns. Improving our walking and cycling provision across the county is a major priority for this council, to enable people to use more sustainable modes of transport, which benefits their health and wellbeing and the environment.”

Posted on 29th September 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Richard Huish College Bike Day

Richard Huish College Taunton have recently held a College Bike Day Event for their students, offering an opportunity for them to look at ‘all things cycling’

Free bike maintenance and checks were offered by On Your Bike, with Avon & Somerset Police providing bike free security tagging. The Road Safety Team were also in attendance offering road safety advice.

Officers from both Somerset West & Taunton and Somerset County Council used the event to facilitate more engagement with students and tutors. The recent Taunton Garden Communities project for cycling and walking was discussed, as well as the new Local Transport Plan currently under development for Somerset, which is looking at the barriers which reduce travel choices.

The day was a success for all the students and provided the councils with important feedback around their consultations.

Posted on 29th September 2022

by Aaron Phillips

New £1 fare for Taunton and more evening buses in Somerset

Bus users can now travel anywhere in the Taunton area for just £1

The new fare structure is part of an £11.9 million package of measures being introduced by Somerset County Council as part of Somerset’s Bus Service Improvement Plan and includes proposals for new evening and weekend services on some routes.

The Council and Somerset Bus Partnership recently launched the BUS IT campaign, which aims to encourage more people to use buses and save money, as well as helping to safeguard the county’s bus services and protect the environment.

The new £1 fares are in place now on the Taunton Park and ride service, followed in the Autumn by £1 fares on other Taunton area-based bus services and offers all paying passengers a flat rate single fare or £2 for a return, to any destination in the greater Taunton area.

The initiative is part of a longer-term goal to secure further funding to deliver similar fare initiatives in other areas of the county.

The fare zone will cover at least the area shown in the below map, and the final extent will be agreed by the Bus Advisory Board shortly.

Posted on 26th September 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Proposed Combwich to Hinkley Point Shared Use Cycle Path Public Consultation.

As you may be aware, Hinkley Point C has been considering a proposal for the development of a shared use cycle path running from Combwich to Hinkley Point. It would provide a safe commuting route for all Hinkley Point workers whilst also providing wider local value – offering a safe and enjoyable route for leisure purposes.

The route would further connect the existing cycle route along the C182 from Combwich towards Cannington and Bridgwater.

Before the application is submitted, there are public consultation events to discuss the proposal and provide your views. Two public consultation events are to be held in separate locations to cover the two key local communities on the proposed route.

• Tuesday 27th September 2022, Otterhampton Village Hall (TA5 2QZ), 1.15pm - 8pm.

• Thursday 6th October 2022, Stogursey Victory Hall (TA5 1PR), 3pm - 7pm.

As these are drop in events, please do come along at any point that is convenient to you within the event opening times.

Further project information will be provided at the events with details on the next steps following the consultation exercise.

Posted on 16th September 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Join Sustrans volunteers and BACC to improve your confidence cycling around Bridgwater.

This ride, organised jointly by Bridgwater Area Cycling Campaign (BACC) and Sustrans, is planned to include traffic free paths wherever possible and to visit some of the green spaces of Bridgwater along the way.

Following on from the success of our recent guided rides, we are pleased to offer two more on Saturday 24th September.

The first ride will take place in the morning, and will be a guided 13 miles, including traffic-free routes and green spaces. This route aims to improve the confidence of anyone who's new or returning to cycling. 13 miles may seem like a lot, but we'll be going at a gentle pace, and it'll be managed by experienced riders with safety in mind.

Our second route that day, happening in the afternoon, is going to be a relaxed family-oriented ride. The route is designed to give experience and fun to young cyclists, with a mix of quiet residential roads and traffic-free open spaces around Bridgwater.

15 to 18 year olds need to be accompained by an adult. Places are limited, so book your slot here:

Posted on 14th September 2022

by Aaron Phillips

New Proposed Bike Rack Locations Across Mendip

Following public requests for additional cycle racks across Mendip, a decision was made by MDC for the Climate Emergency and Resilience team and Sustainable Transport to investigate potential locations for the racks across Mendip District.

Mendip District Council have created a map with their proposed bike rack locations. They want to make bike parking safer and more convenient across Mendip. You can tell us what you think of the locations by acessing the map here:

Posted on 10th August 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Tour De Somerset - results!

Our Tour de Somerset challenge has now come to an end for another year.

And with the help of district colleagues this year’s participants have really notched things up a gear, smashing our target with a collective total of 7,903 miles! That’s 30 laps of Somerset. And a collective total of 323,885 feet elevation – the equivalent of cycling up to Dunkery Beacon (Somerset’s highest point above sea level) 191 times.

A big thank you and well done to all who got involved!

Congratulations to Somerset County Council's Clive Franklin who sped to the top of the leader board in the final week and snatched the yellow jersey for this year, with a whopping 906 miles covered in July! Congratulations also to South Somerset District Council's Robert Orrett who claims this year’s ‘King of the Mountains’ jersey having climbed 76,063 feet, and our Queen of the Mountains, Somerset County Council's Sam Fox, who climbed 23,859 feet.

Posted on 8th August 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Have your say on connecting garden communities in Taunton.

Somerset West and Taunton have produced a draft plan setting out their aspirations for a network of walking and cycling routes across Taunton Garden Town, intended to meet the needs of future residents and workers in connection with new developments, known as the Garden Communities, as well as improve connections for existing communities.

We want to know what you think, so click here to have your say!

Posted on 3rd August 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Tour De Somerset - update!

We're not far from our goal as we enter the third stage of the challenge, with just 1,773 miles to go!

South Somerset DC's Robert Orrett retains the yellow jersey and King of the Mountains jersey this week alongside Queen of the Mountains, SCC's Sam Fox.

Will they manage to hold on to the lead positions for the remainder of the challenge? Congratulations to our leaders and thanks to all our participants.

Miles logged by 12 noon on Tuesday will be included in the results published that week. The final date for logging your miles is Sunday 31 July and the final results will be shared in the first week of August. You can choose to log your miles as an individual or as a team, and you can log them daily or in batches to save time.

While you’re out, take a selfie or snap your view to share with us at

Posted on 25th July 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Slinky Transport - door to door responsive transport

Slinky is a door to door demand responsive transport service funded by Somerset County Council for people not served by or unable to access conventional transport. All the vehicles are accessible.

The service can be used for various purposes including; getting to local health appointments or exercise classes, visiting friends or family, going shopping or attending social events. You can also use the Slinky as a link to other forms of public transport.

Who can use the Slinky?

You will be eligible to use the Slinky bus if you:

Do not have access to a public bus service,

Do not have your own transport; or

Have a disability which means you are unable to access a public bus

The service is available to all eligible passengers which could include parents with young children, teenagers, students, the elderly, the retired and people with disabilities.

To find out more, and to register for the service, click here:

Posted on 13th July 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Are you up for the 2022 Tour De Somerset Challenge?

Taking inspiration from the Tour de France, which is due to start in Copenhagen on Friday 1 July, the challenge, should you accept it, is to help us collectively cycle 20 laps of the Somerset border (266 miles/428km) covering a total of 5,320miles/8,560km. Whether you’re a leisurely rider or a serious cyclist, ride at your pace and choose from two options for the Tour de Somerset…

Option 1 (for all levels) Set yourself a weekly goal and log your miles for a place on our weekly leader board. If you can take the lead position, you will be awarded the yellow jersey until the following week.

Once you have reached a milestone, you can proudly display a milestone medal on your email signature. Choose from, 10 miles, 25 miles, 50 miles, 75 miles, 100 miles, 150 miles, 200 miles, 300 miles or 400 miles – or collect them all! How many medals can you collect by the end of July?

Cycling is a great way to keep active and have socially distanced fun with family and friends, so we’re opening this challenge up and you can log miles for everyone that rides with you. Children can also claim their well-earned virtual milestone medal to display as they please.

Option 2 (advanced level) Take your cycling up a gear and join the climbing challenge to compete for the coveted King/Queen of the Mountains (virtual) jersey. You can use an app such as Strava to record details of your ride and enter them on the online form.

To sign up, just click here:

Posted on 5th July 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Planning a journey in Somerset?

Planning a journey in Somerset?

A new one-stop travel information website has been launched by Somerset County Council to support more local people to access public and community transport.

If you do not own a car - or you want to leave it at home and travel more sustainably, Think Travel can help you with your transport options. Whether it is getting to the doctors, shops, travelling to work, college, or school, or just into town to meet friends or family, the new travel planner shows you what is available. It covers public transport, community transport, the Slinky demand responsive transport service and car sharing.

To start your search, all you need to do is enter your journey start point and destination in the planner and Think Travel will find the available options for you.

As well as information on train and bus services, there is also a dedicated car sharing notice board you can sign up to, where offers or requests for car sharing journeys can be posted.

There is also more information on the various transport services, public transport disruption news and a mapping tool to see what transport services are operating in your area.

The aim is to grow this facility and encourage local car sharing networks to evolve.

You can check out Think Travel using the link below:

Posted on 16th June 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Win a £100 Voucher

It was great to speak to many of you at the Bridgwater Active Travel Day and a big thank you to those who responded to our questionnaire about your travel habits.

If you weren’t able to attend but are interested in sharing your thoughts in our questionnaire, please find the online version here:

By completing the questionnaire, you’ll have the opportunity to be entered into our prize draw to win a £100 St John Street Cycles voucher!

Posted on 9th June 2022

by Somerset County Council

Have your say on Somerset's Local Transport Plan

Here in Somerset, we’re in the early stages of writing a new Local Transport Plan.

Active travel is an important element of the plan, which will enable everyone to enjoy healthy, safe, low carbon travel choices and contribute to our climate change ambitions.

Using the a heatmap, have your say on active travel in both your local area and across Somerset, including the barriers which reduce your travel choices. For example, what prevents you from walking, wheeling and cycling in your community?

Click here to view the heatmap:

Your comments will be used to inform the development of our Local Transport Plan, making sure Somerset’s streets are welcoming places for everyone.

Posted on 13th May 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Beat the Street has made a return to Somerset, this time around in Yeovil.

Yeovil has been transformed into a giant game thanks to National Lottery funding from Sport England

An innovative physical activity game that has engaged more than a million people has launched in Yeovil, South Somerset.

The Beat the Street game started in Yeovil on 4th May, and will run to 1st June 2022 thanks to a National Lottery grant from Sport England.

Beat the Street encourages people to get outside and to get active and is open to anyone of any age who would like to take part. The game works by turning the town into a real-life game and residents will be able to use special sensors called Beat Boxes on lampposts around the area to play.

Primary school pupils from 13 participating schools have been provided with cards while parents and teachers have also received a card from the school so they can accompany children. The wider community can pick up a free contactless card from a distribution point listed on the website:

Players join a school or community team to play, or you can set up your own with a minimum of 6 players. Players then walk, run, scoot, wheel, or cycle between the 37 Beat Boxes which are spaced half a mile apart – tapping the fobs or cards as they go. The further players travel, the more points they score.

Beat the Street was created by Dr William Bird MBE, an expert in physical activity and the founder of Intelligent Health. He said: “Beat the Street has not only had a significant impact on increasing low levels of physical activity amongst adults and children, but also helps reduce congestion, improves air quality, and helps families spend time in green spaces together. It has been adapted to ensure that it’s safe to play during the COVID-19 pandemic with contactless cards”.

Jane Knowles, Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership CEO said: “We are incredibly excited to be bringing this game to Yeovil this Spring. We have seen fantastic results from the games in Bridgwater and Taunton and hope to replicate the enthusiasm and fun this game brings in Yeovil. We know that one of the best things people can do right now for their physical and mental health is to move more and to get out into green space where possible, and Beat the Street really helps people do just that in a safe way.

“It’s free to take part in Beat the Street and it’s open to everyone regardless of age, ability or background. It’s an inclusive game that encourages you to exercise from your front door and to clock up the miles within the game framework.”

According to research, one in four people in England does less than 30 minutes of physical activity a week, which classes them as inactive. Four out of five primary school children do not get the recommended amount of daily exercise of 60 minutes a day.

The game is jointly run by Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP), Somerset County Council and South Somerset District Council.

The National Lottery funding from Sport England will not only help people in Yeovil to get active, but also to leave a positive legacy to improve the community’s health and wellbeing.

For more information on updates on the game, please click onto or follow ‘Beat the Street Yeovil’ on Facebook and follow @SASPsomerset on twitter and @sasp_somerset on Instagram.

Beat the Street is run by run by Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP), Somerset County Council and South Somerset District Council, funded by the National Lottery via Sport England, and managed by Intelligent Health.

Posted on 9th May 2022

by Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership

Frome School Streets Co-Design Proposal 2022 - Give us your Feedback!

Following the gathering of feedback from residents last year, Frome’s School Streets is inviting feedback on the project which aims to encourage active travel to school in order to lower congestion and air pollution and make the roads safer for those walking and cycling.

Frome Town Council has worked closely with local active travel charity Sustrans to involve the community in the design of the project around Trinity, Critchill, Oakfield and Avanti schools. The team of designers and engineers have created a co-design based on feedback collected from a series of public engagement sessions, surveys and meetings with those that live, work and use the area.

Frome Town Council’s Resilience Manager, Nikki Brain, said: “ Every step of this process has been informed by public consultation and we’re so grateful for all the feedback we have already received which has helped shape the draft design. We’re very excited to be working with the community to see this project become a reality! ”

Residents will be able to view the draft co-design and share comments, whether online or in person, throughout April. Once comments and feedback have been considered, the design will be finalised and installed over the next 12 months then trialled for a period of 18 months.

There will be drop-in sessions at the Town Hall (Thursday 7th April, 1-4pm; Wednesday 20th April, 9am-12pm) or catch the team for a chat at the crossroads of Nunney Road and Oakfield Road (5th and 26th April, 3-4pm; 27th April, 8-9.30am).

If those dates don’t suit then residents are invited to pop into the Town Hall during opening hours to have a look at the display, it’ll be available between the 4th April and 4th May and visitors will be encouraged to leave their thoughts in a comment box.

Give feedback here:

Download the Proposal here: Frome School Streets codesign.pdf

The Schools Streets project is funded by Somerset County Council as part of their Emergency Active Travel Fund. To find out more about the School Streets project, head to

Posted on 4th April 2022

by Frome Town Council and Sustrans

Get Somerset Cycling Incentives

Have you wanted to cycle more, but the cost of a bike has put you off? Perhaps you lack confidence to cycle on the roads?

Along with offering bike stands to businesses, Life Cycle UK are also offering £100 off the cost of a new bike and one-to-one cycle skills from qualified instructors.

To find out if you're eligible, clink the link here:

Posted on 1st April 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Free Cycle Stands for Local Businesses and Community Groups

If you're a local business or community organisation in the Sedgemoor and Somerset West and Taunton districts, then Life Cycle UK have some exciting news for you!

The cycling charity are offering eligible groups FREE delivery AND installation of four sturdy 'Sheffield Stands'. These will come at zero cost, thanks to the HPC Community Fund and the Somerset Community Foundation. The scheme will help organisations cater to the increased numbers of cyclists - customers - staff - general public - whilst contributing towards cleaner air and healthier communities by encouraging more people to cycle.

For more information, full terms and conditions and to apply, just click here:

Posted on 17th March 2022

by Aaron Phillips

Bridgwater Active Travel Day, Saturday May 21st.

Do you want to get more active by increasing the amount you walk or cycle?

If you've answered yes, then you will want to be at Bridgwater Town Hall between 10am and 3pm on Saturday May 21st for their Active Travel Day.

The day is being jointly organised by the Bridgwater Area Cycling Campaign (BACC) and Bridgwater Town Council (BTC). The town mayor will be opening the event, which is due to be attended by a variety of different organisations including; local transport groups; cycling groups; guest speakers, and much more. There will also be refreshments and children's activities.

The day promises to be informative and educational, and will inspire you to get more involved with active travel.

Posted on 14th March 2022

by Aaron Phillips